Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf is a popular Chinese animated TV series that tells the story of a tribe of goats that were living peacefully in Goat village until the abrupt return of a clumsy wolf, who is bent on eating them. Aired over 40 local TV stations including Hong Kong’s TVB, BTV Animation Channel and CCTV, this animated TV series is well-known in China and has a massive fan base.
As the license holder of the live show, Mactus Live was instrumental in bringing Pleasant Goat and its tribe to meet their adoring fans across several cities in China at the Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf mobile carnival. Thousands of fans, including children and families flocked to the sprawling outdoor carnival, which housed a circus, ice skating arena, sports city, a Big Big Wolf laboratory, bumper car rides and a sheltered, resting room.
Overall, the carnival was a tremendous success. The live stage performance was the most well- received segment, with the colourful skit and dance segment garnering much attention. Parents and kids were delighted at the opportunity to get up close with their favourite characters to snap photos, sing and dance alongside them, and enjoy the thematic games and purpose-built rides that were available.